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Don’t Age in Fear

Don’t Age in Fear

     “The Golden Years” are supposed to be one of the best periods of our lives. Our youthful exuberance may appear to be fading, but we’ve hopefully reached a point where we are financially stable, and perhaps even retired. The kids may be out of the house and leading their own lives.  They may be bringing the grandchildren around to play with now and again.  We would all like to remain vibrant and healthy, blessed with the wisdom that comes with age.


     The many successes in our financial, professional, and family lives can make things far less stressful and more enjoyable than those of our youth.  However, our physical health is one aspect of our lives that may begin to cause us significant trouble if not cared for properly.


     Many functions of the human body and mind are controlled by hormones.  These are tiny but powerful chemicals secreted by our bodies.  Hormones allow all our bodily systems to work together in harmony. Men and women each have their own sex-specific hormones that also drive their relative masculinity and femininity. However, after we pass our childbearing years, hormone levels naturally begin to decline. 


     Thankfully, the miracles of modern science have provided us some control over these changes. We may find that our hormone levels are dropping much earlier than they should.  Or we may simply want to extend our youthfulness.


     Here are some of the signs that may indicate that your hormones are out of balance.  We will also show you a way to take back control of your body. Most importantly, we will help you remove any fears of aging so that you can focus on enjoying the experiences of your Golden Years!

Signs of Age-Related Hormone Imbalances

     Let’s start by explaining some of the most common age-related hormone imbalances, the symptoms that they may cause, and the hormones responsible.

Physical Performance

     The loss of physical performance is one of the most often reported hormone-related symptoms of aging. You may have already dismissed your aching back, sore knees, and various other bumps and bruises as “natural” because of high performance demands on your body during your younger years.


     While wear and tear on your body may also be a reason you are having a harder time getting out of bed and moving during the day, much of this performance loss is due to declining hormone levels. 


     Many of the functions in the human body are controlled by hormones.  These are chemicals made in your endocrine glands (pituitary, pineal, thymus, thyroid, adrenal, pancreas & testes).  They are excreted into your bloodstream to help the various bodily systems work together. One example of these signals may tell your body to metabolize the sugars in your dessert, while another may signal the body to go into “fight or flight” mode if there is a perceived threat.


     After our primary child-bearing years, all mammals (humans included) tend to “slow down” with age.  Nature sees our most critical job as having been performed because much of our body is built around having children and propagating the species.  As our job of having children should be complete by this time, our body responds to our new task of raising and teaching those children. As such, our bodies no longer need to be as strong or fast as in our youth. 

Males and Low Testosterone

     Testosterone is an extremely powerful hormone that is present in both men and women.  But an age-related reduction in males can cause significant changes in both their minds and bodies. Thankfully, Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT) is now both safe and readily available for men who want to extend their youthfulness. Numerous medical studies have shown that TRT can have profound positive medical benefits for medical conditions such as obesity, diabetes, and high cholesterol.


The signs and symptoms of men with low testosterone are:

  • Low sex drive (libido)
  • Erectile Dysfunction (ED)
  • Fatigue and poor energy levels
  • Decreased muscle mass
  • Difficulty adding lean muscle
  • Body and facial hair loss
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Memory loss/forgetfulness
  • Depression 
  • Irritability
  • Low sense of well-being


     Some of these symptoms may be correlated.   Men who see themselves slowing down, gaining weight, and losing their libido may also begin to have a lowered sense of self-worth and may become anxious and/or depressed. 

Female Hormonal Imbalances

     Women possess possibly the most profound ability within our species, the ability to give life. Because their bodies possess the ability to create, grow, deliver, and then feed these new lives, their bodily systems are quite different and more intricate than the males, especially in terms of the reproductive systems. 


     While the male body is largely controlled by the hormone Testosterone, the female body is controlled by Estrogen, Progesterone, and Testosterone. The levels of these hormones can go through significant changes in the post-childbearing years.  These changes may lead to other issues that affect their lives. Some signs and symptoms of these imbalances for women include:

  • Mood swings
  • Hot flashes
  • Constipation or diarrhea 
  • Irregular menstrual cycle
  • Infertility
  • Pain in the abdomen or the back during menstruation
  • Lowered libido
  • Insomnia (difficulty sleeping)
  • Unexplained weight gain or weight loss
  • Brittle bones (osteoporosis)
  • Excessive hair growth
  • Rashes on the skin
  • Vaginal dryness

     Various forms of hormone replacement therapy are available for women who are suffering from the symptoms of imbalance. There are more different types and methods of Hormone Replacement Therapy available for women because of the different types of hormones that may be causing imbalances.

Hormone Replacement Therapy for Men and Women

     If you are experiencing symptoms of hormonal imbalance and want to take control of your life to recapture your youth, we have the solutions for you at MixMyRx. All our hormone replacement therapy products are derived from organic sources. We also have complete Hormone Replacement Therapy products available for both men and women.   MixMyRx has a variety of dosage forms, including oral, topical, and suppositories.


     These Hormone Replacement Therapy products may allow you to remove or reduce some of the symptoms of hormone imbalance, allowing you to reclaim your life and youthfulness. In addition to treating hormone imbalances, there are many advantages to choosing MixMyRx for your Hormone Replacement Therapy needs.

Membership Benefits with MixMyRx 

     Aging and dealing with hormone imbalances can be difficult enough to manage.  So, at MixMyRx we make the treatment aspect of Hormone Replacement Therapy as simple as possible. Some of the many benefits of becoming a member of MixMyRx are:


  • Up to 80% discount on some medications
  • Standardized pricing of either $19 or $29 (depending upon the medications)
  • Easy access to counseling for your prescription
  • Access to a wide variety of pet medications and veterinary prescriptions
  • Access to most common generic medications
  • Access to a team of experienced clinical physicians, with may specializing in Hormone Replacement Therapy
  • A fast, nationwide mailing service that delivers your prescriptions directly to you


     Don’t allow age or hormonal imbalances to slow you down or spoil your Golden Years. If you are experiencing any of the symptoms of hormone imbalance, become a member of MixMyRx to gain access to all these benefits. Get on the path to reclaiming your life!