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DHEA Deficiency

DHEA Deficiency

     DHEA (DeHydroEpiAndrosterone) is one of the most abundant substances made by the human adrenal glands and is present in both men and women. As a precursor to the sex hormones Estrogen and Testosterone, DHEA is produced in the ovaries for women and is produced in the adrenal glands, brain, and testes for men.


     Researchers have long studied the potential effects of DHEA to act as an anti-aging hormone in their search for the proverbial “fountain of youth” to reduce the effects of aging. Aside from the potential anti-aging benefits, researchers understand that DHEA has a profound effect on both men and women. 


     As a powerful component of our sex hormones, DGEA contributes to the characteristics considered to be “manly” or “feminine.” As with any of the powerful chemicals that are naturally occurring in our bodies, if its levels are not properly maintained, a DHEA deficiency can have profoundly negative effects. 


    The research into the effects of DHEA is continuing to make discoveries.  It is one of the most abundant substances made by the adrenal glands.  Although several critical symptoms are known to be caused by DHEA deficiencies, the total effects of DHEA in the human body are still being researched.  However, here is some of what researchers have concluded.


DHEA in Males

     In the male body, DHEA is produced in the adrenal glands, brain, and testes, and undergoes several transformations.  After its production, DHEA circulates in the bloodstream as dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate (DHEA-S or DHEA-sulfate).  Then, it is converted into Testosterone and other androgens (male sex hormones).


     As a precursor to his sex hormones, DHEA production is critical to all the requisite changes necessary for a young man’s body to enter puberty.  These include deepening voice, body odor, pubic hair growth, and oily skin. Like many sex hormones, DHEA production in the body does not last forever.  It typically peaks between the ages of 20-30.

DHEA in Females

     In the female body, DHEA is produced in her ovaries and adrenal glands. Although women have naturally occurring Testosterone in their bodies, it is not the driving hormone behind their sexual development.  So, DHEA is not as involved in developing the characteristics of puberty as it is for young men. However, there are several defined symptoms that may occur if a woman has deficient levels of DHEA.


Symptoms of Low DHEA Levels

     Men or women who have a deficiency in their pituitary glands, adrenal glands, or ovaries may also have deficiencies in their level of DHEA.  Although there are some symptoms of a DHEA deficiency that are present in both men and women, others that affect only men include:


  • Memory loss
  • Fatigue
  • Low libido
  • Osteoporosis
  • Erectile dysfunction 
  • Shorter lifespan 
  • Increased risk of cardiovascular disease (in men with Type 2 diabetes)
  • Found with hypothyroidism (although DHEA levels may be normal in those with hyperthyroidism)


Symptoms of High DHEA Levels

     As a crucial part of our sex hormones, DHEA levels that are abnormally high can also cause several symptoms and medical issues. Some of those symptoms and correlations found associated with high DHEA levels may include:


  • Found in women with Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS)
  • Found in women with hirsutism
  • Found in children with congenital adrenal hyperplasia
  • Found in those with cancer of the adrenal glands
  • Linked to cardiovascular disease
  • Linked to a reduction in depression
  • Associated with PTSD (in women)
  • Aggressive behavior
  • Trouble sleeping
  • Higher risk for breast cancer 
  • Associated with Cushing’s syndrome (in women)


Male Use of DHEA as Supplementation

     DHEA is a precursor to sex hormones and naturally reduces as we age.  It has been seen as a potential “fountain of youth” in some anti-aging research.   Because of this, some men have turned to DHEA supplementation to help treat or prevent the effects of aging that occur primarily in men. Some of those reasons for DHEA supplementation use include:

DHEA supplementation for Erectile Dysfunction (ED)

     Recent research in one small study in Urology showed that DHEA supplementation in men suffering from Erectile Dysfunction did not change their Testosterone levels when taken over a six-month period.  However, it did seem to have a positive effect on their ability to maintain an erection. Because several other studies have shown no effect, more research is needed. Regardless of the research, some men have turned to DHEA as a viable treatment for ED.

DHEA supplementation to increase muscle mass and strength

     In its 2021 report on Dietary Supplements for Exercise and Athletic Performance, the National Institute of Health (NIH) stated that its position on DHEA.  The NIH stated that supplementation has not demonstrated any benefits toward increasing physical performance in terms of increased muscle strength, aerobic capacity, lean muscle mass, or Testosterone levels in males. Despite this statement, many supplement companies continue to promote DHEA as a potential aid to men who wish to increase their athletic performance.  It has become quite popular among many who take DHEA supplements. 

DHEA supplementation for Obesity

     Some studies have also suggested that DHEA may play a role in helping to combat abdominal fat and insulin resistance, which are factors that are associated with Type 2 Diabetes. However, other small studies have shown no effect on combatting obesity using DHEA supplementation.  More research is currently underway on the subject. 

Treating a DHEA Deficiency

     Medical treatments of DHEA have been used for several conditions, including DHEA deficiency. In men, it has been used as a treatment for Erectile Dysfunction, as well as in supplementation for athletic performance and possible weight loss.


     In women, DHEA has been used to treat vaginal atrophy, painful sex for postmenopausal women, and even as a possible solution to improve the appearance of a woman’s skin after menopause. 


     MixMyRx offers Hormone Replacement Therapy treatments for DHEA deficiencies that are safe, simple, effective, and affordable. By becoming a member of MixMyRx, patients with low levels of DHEA can discretely have their choice of either DHEA creams or capsules delivered directly to their door, without having to go to the pharmacy in person. 

Membership Benefits with MixMyRx 

     Aging and dealing with hormone imbalances can be difficult enough to manage.  So, at MixMyRx we make the treatment aspect of Hormone Replacement Therapy as simple as possible. Some of the many benefits of becoming a member of MixMyRx are:


  • Up to 80% discount on some medications
  • Standardized pricing of either $19 or $29 (depending upon the medications)
  • Easy access to counseling for your prescription
  • Access to a wide variety of pet medications and veterinary prescriptions
  • Access to most common generic medications
  • Access to a team of experienced clinical physicians, with may specializing in Hormone Replacement Therapy
  • A fast, nationwide mailing service that delivers your prescriptions directly to you


     Don’t allow age or hormonal imbalances to slow you down or spoil your Golden Years. If you are experiencing any of the symptoms of low DHEA levels, become a member of MixMyRx to gain access to all these benefits. Get on the path to reclaiming your life!